Election day, 4:55 am. I 'spect you might be up now too, getting ready to stump for your (and my) favorites. I'm up doing that civic duty thing, working the polls, and gotta be there at 6. I already told Mary that I'll be coming straight home to crash at 0-dark-thirty, after the last voter in line at closing time has deposited their ballot into the scanner and we've broken down all the poll stuff and tucked it away. I won't even want to know the results until tomorrow morning.
He said this was his last run. Crossing my fingers that he trips over his own two feet on the way out. BRW, did you see him today? Wow. The tan was so dark, I wondered if he was looking to “become black.”
So glad to have you show up with your thoughts on a Monday again! Bless you for all you’re doing to make NC blue. Up here in New Hampshire we also have a contentious governor’s race that’s polling 50/50. 😬
Glad you're back. I'm a childless cat woman living in Northeastern Pennsylvania. I too have been working for the Democratic headquarters. I have put tons of signs together. Helped with canvases in office. (Bad knees). Saw Kamala, got Covid. Got stuck in Big Lots Saturday because Joe Biden's motorcade was going by.its always good to have signs in your car to wave! High point: I got to meet Martin Sheen!!! Praying all the work, nervous breakdowns and that good people do the right thing. Thanks for keeping NC going. I'm heading down to OBX after election to chill!
Bless your heart, C. :-) On the way out earlier, I spoke briefly with a friend who organizes for The Good Folks. I rolled my window down & told her that this time of year, I don't know how she fucking stands it. She laughed & told me she didn't know herself. Had I gotten home earlier that right now, I would have premixed her some cocktails & taken them down as a thank you for when I stole a sample ballot off her front porch last week. Anyway, at least I know where she'll be tomorrow night for, you know, drankin' if necessary.
I don't know which way the election will go, but I *do* know that last year, I briefly thought Biden was going to lose. I drank an entire fifth of booze. Actually it was most of a fifth of bourbon -- I was still upright & hadn't felt like I needed to stop yet, so I started in on mezcal. But I bet it was 750 ml, plus or minus a couple drinks. I have never told anyone that story until recently, when I started planning this year's drinking. I have to plan that shit now, Celia, because I'm 62 years old, and right now within the past week, those omniscient, omnipotent Gods made me sick! Can you believe that? I may have serious issues tomorrow that require, well, seeing if alcohol will sterilize your innards better, than, oh, let's say injecting bleach or some stupid shit that a grade schooler would know not to do. Or maybe that hangover has reached forward for 4 long years. I don't understand anything anymore, so maybe that's it.
You be safe. Don't let some Mom for Liberty hit you with a Freedom Pie or MAGAT Cake or anything like that. 🫂 And tell those buttwipes who fired you to try mixing bourbon & bleach *before* injecting it. ;)
Welcome back! <3 <3 <3 I wish Pennsylvania could stop being a battleground state, I honestly don't know how many more of these more psychotic elections I can take. I swear, it was not like this when I was a kid (the first major election I could actually vote in was 2004 because I turned 18 after the 2000 presidential election BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH OMG WOW). I moved back here last year, from Georgia, and immediately was getting mail from both camps (but mainly one camp--the one for the party I've never been registered for and have never voted for) and at first I thought it was because they'd like, conspired with mymove.com or something to swipe info on all the people who'd moved into the state. Until a friend pointed out that PA is a damn swing state so both parties are casting as wide a net as possible. His evidence? He has always been a registered Independent but was getting junk texts from both parties too (and man oh man, the "come vote for us!" texts he was getting from one party in particular??? They were missing the mark SO hard and they'd realized that if they'd taken like 5 seconds to learn anything about my friend. Like, dang). Anyway, I voted by mail a few weeks ago for VP Harris but my ulcer will not shut up until this is all over.
I think we are going to need your take on life more now than ever!
I was SO GLAD to read your post. Hub and I moved to your lovely area late last year - let's get together for lunch!
I hope this works well for you !! A new book should be in the offing !!
Election day, 4:55 am. I 'spect you might be up now too, getting ready to stump for your (and my) favorites. I'm up doing that civic duty thing, working the polls, and gotta be there at 6. I already told Mary that I'll be coming straight home to crash at 0-dark-thirty, after the last voter in line at closing time has deposited their ballot into the scanner and we've broken down all the poll stuff and tucked it away. I won't even want to know the results until tomorrow morning.
He said this was his last run. Crossing my fingers that he trips over his own two feet on the way out. BRW, did you see him today? Wow. The tan was so dark, I wondered if he was looking to “become black.”
Happy to hear from you this evening!
Good to see you back! Your lips to God’s ear!
So glad you are back!!! I live in your neighboring state of SC where my f$c&ing vote never, ever counts! Please keep writing so I can keep reading!
I knew you'd like Substack! Welcome! You are like a breath of clean laundry drying on the line.
I am so happy you are back Celia, and just in time!
I’ve missed your musings!
Glad you’re back and thank you for helping at the polls. Hillary was right “it takes a village” or one hell of a big blue wave!
Hope springs eternal but I’m also guessing that tomorrow night will bring no sleep for a lot of weary folks. Saving Democracy is exhausting , lol
Gotta believe Dump will finally get his just rewards…prison or a forever home in Russia.
So glad to have you show up with your thoughts on a Monday again! Bless you for all you’re doing to make NC blue. Up here in New Hampshire we also have a contentious governor’s race that’s polling 50/50. 😬
What’s for election night snacks?
Glad you're back. I'm a childless cat woman living in Northeastern Pennsylvania. I too have been working for the Democratic headquarters. I have put tons of signs together. Helped with canvases in office. (Bad knees). Saw Kamala, got Covid. Got stuck in Big Lots Saturday because Joe Biden's motorcade was going by.its always good to have signs in your car to wave! High point: I got to meet Martin Sheen!!! Praying all the work, nervous breakdowns and that good people do the right thing. Thanks for keeping NC going. I'm heading down to OBX after election to chill!
Bless your heart, C. :-) On the way out earlier, I spoke briefly with a friend who organizes for The Good Folks. I rolled my window down & told her that this time of year, I don't know how she fucking stands it. She laughed & told me she didn't know herself. Had I gotten home earlier that right now, I would have premixed her some cocktails & taken them down as a thank you for when I stole a sample ballot off her front porch last week. Anyway, at least I know where she'll be tomorrow night for, you know, drankin' if necessary.
I don't know which way the election will go, but I *do* know that last year, I briefly thought Biden was going to lose. I drank an entire fifth of booze. Actually it was most of a fifth of bourbon -- I was still upright & hadn't felt like I needed to stop yet, so I started in on mezcal. But I bet it was 750 ml, plus or minus a couple drinks. I have never told anyone that story until recently, when I started planning this year's drinking. I have to plan that shit now, Celia, because I'm 62 years old, and right now within the past week, those omniscient, omnipotent Gods made me sick! Can you believe that? I may have serious issues tomorrow that require, well, seeing if alcohol will sterilize your innards better, than, oh, let's say injecting bleach or some stupid shit that a grade schooler would know not to do. Or maybe that hangover has reached forward for 4 long years. I don't understand anything anymore, so maybe that's it.
You be safe. Don't let some Mom for Liberty hit you with a Freedom Pie or MAGAT Cake or anything like that. 🫂 And tell those buttwipes who fired you to try mixing bourbon & bleach *before* injecting it. ;)
I forgot to ask if it was ok to curse. Oops.
Welcome back! <3 <3 <3 I wish Pennsylvania could stop being a battleground state, I honestly don't know how many more of these more psychotic elections I can take. I swear, it was not like this when I was a kid (the first major election I could actually vote in was 2004 because I turned 18 after the 2000 presidential election BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH OMG WOW). I moved back here last year, from Georgia, and immediately was getting mail from both camps (but mainly one camp--the one for the party I've never been registered for and have never voted for) and at first I thought it was because they'd like, conspired with mymove.com or something to swipe info on all the people who'd moved into the state. Until a friend pointed out that PA is a damn swing state so both parties are casting as wide a net as possible. His evidence? He has always been a registered Independent but was getting junk texts from both parties too (and man oh man, the "come vote for us!" texts he was getting from one party in particular??? They were missing the mark SO hard and they'd realized that if they'd taken like 5 seconds to learn anything about my friend. Like, dang). Anyway, I voted by mail a few weeks ago for VP Harris but my ulcer will not shut up until this is all over.
Missed ja!