You are sooo awesome 🤩 Celia! By the way, growing up in Germany (without fluoride) I can side with you fully on what it does to your teeth. A mouth full of cavities, later filled with Amalgam filling, all nice and black, making your smile evermore “beautiful”. Moving here in my late twenties i always wondered how Americans generally had better teeth? Didn’t they eat gummy bears? ….
Saw an N&O article about some crime in Rougemont a few weeks back. I thought of you…not for the crime, but for the place. About 20 BP (Before Pandemic) didn’t your column run in the N&O with Rougemont in the byline?
Wow! That was indeed a rollicking read! I, too especially appreciated the “happy as a dog with two peckers” description! As I now live in SC, I have come to love these “Southernisms”! Girl…you were excellent before but now that you have been let loose on your own, you’re fu$k@ng amazing! Keep it up! 😹
By the time Vance, Musk and this guy (do I have to besmirch Bobby’s name by using his initials?) are done with us, the whole country will be poor, ignorant, toofless hillbillies. Keep that Kennedy young’un away from my “enriched” cornmeal and grits! Pellagra is no joke!
As one does. I grew up with well water too but we used Crest with fluoride-so only half as many cavities
I understand sincere concern over real issues. Heaven handed tactics on vital aspects heathcare.
I would like to engage even enlighten some of the most complex issues within an open conversation.
That said your markedly harsh and well beyond any truths that might be gleened from your discretion of Mr. Kennedy makes me believe there is no point.
My honest believe is that you're more upset with the election results.
Let me know if you really want to discuss the issue. If not have a nice day.
You are sooo awesome 🤩 Celia! By the way, growing up in Germany (without fluoride) I can side with you fully on what it does to your teeth. A mouth full of cavities, later filled with Amalgam filling, all nice and black, making your smile evermore “beautiful”. Moving here in my late twenties i always wondered how Americans generally had better teeth? Didn’t they eat gummy bears? ….
I love the R-rated Celia. Thanks for making me laugh.
Potato skins are the best , was my favorite to order in the 70 and 80 have not had them in the last 3 decades .
Finally, the uncensored Celia! Dishes indeed, The Kennedy guy /sigh
You are a treasure!
Awww. Thanks for the kind words, Stacy!
I've always needed you, Celia, but this version? Yes, please!
It's the REAL me, I'm afraid...a cussing cook!!
Amen sister!! The only good thing to come out of the election is you will surely have an abundance of material to write about.
Thorougly excellent. Loving the recipes too. The shrimp dish was delicious.
So glad you liked it! I’m crazy about anything shrimp…
Saw an N&O article about some crime in Rougemont a few weeks back. I thought of you…not for the crime, but for the place. About 20 BP (Before Pandemic) didn’t your column run in the N&O with Rougemont in the byline?
Hmmm. I did used to run in the N&O back when it was a newspaper but don't recall Rougemont.
Wow! That was indeed a rollicking read! I, too especially appreciated the “happy as a dog with two peckers” description! As I now live in SC, I have come to love these “Southernisms”! Girl…you were excellent before but now that you have been let loose on your own, you’re fu$k@ng amazing! Keep it up! 😹
Thank you so, so much! I truly feel like a bird set free!
By the time Vance, Musk and this guy (do I have to besmirch Bobby’s name by using his initials?) are done with us, the whole country will be poor, ignorant, toofless hillbillies. Keep that Kennedy young’un away from my “enriched” cornmeal and grits! Pellagra is no joke!
We need a Popeyes in Wilmington. Don D
That all you got?!
Hardest I've laughed in 5 days!
I am here to serve. TY!
Happy as a dog with two peckers.
That’s just perfect, Celia.
Also, I’m stealing that description, but I do it with love. 😁
You must, JP! It was a beloved Southernism from a pal.