Thank you Celia so glad you wrote this, yes we still have a president who can do stuff …

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Yes! I hope Joe has a desk drawer bulging with executive orders prepared in advance to use “against the day” as it were. Bring ‘em on!

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I hammered a Trump-Vance sign in your honor.

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"remaining 22 tablespoons butter" LOL

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So depressed. Canada is looking better and better. But reading what you wrote made me smile.

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Thank you. I feel like other people will bring the analytics and my role is entirely different. Thanks for affirming that. I can scream into my pillow later...

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Thanks for helping me force a smile today. Ohshit doesn't begin to describe what I feel

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Don’t forget—there are 66.6+ MILLION of us that feel the exact same way. There’s power in numbers. We will get through this, painful as it is.

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Thank you for providing this cathartic story and making me laugh a little… 😘

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It's hard, I know. I only slept from 5-7 a.m. today. Thanks for commenting!

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Love you so much for this, much needed. Thank you for being there for ALL of us, reminding us we are not alone. Now I must go take a walk...the ocean is on one side and the Cape Fear on the other, right? Long walk....

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Oh, KJ, isn't it all just unbelievable?! Thanks for reading my mess!

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This election loss hurt. But it was the thought of Steve Bannon grinning from ear that made me nauseous.

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Or not grinning but just breathing in and out. He is loathesome.

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Just took a survey sent out by Nikki Haley. I liked my response to a question about the “mistakes made” by the mainstream media. I replied that the media over estimated the intelligence of the American voters and underestimated their misogyny….It ain’t the 21st century yet.

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Well said. I'm exhausted by the hatin' on the mainstream media. Is it perfect? No. But it damn sure beats living with the foul, lying Fox as your only source of "news."

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The View is nothing but hatin'

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I hear you but I put things like The View in the "entertainment" category. It's definitely not journalism.

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Neither is lots of CNN or Fox news!!! They may call themselves journalists, but they are paid to talk 24/7....don't think they will be working themselves out of a job!!

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And Steve Miller who reminds me of Mr. Burns, Voldemort, and Gollum.

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I write this comment in my fog. Admittedly, last night’s bottle of wine and eight Halloween Reese’s pumpkins contributed to it. I cleaned out the attic this morning. That didn’t get me out of first stage of grief. Your laugh out loud executive orders have helped. Can Biden do one to ensure Melania wears her “I Hate My Husband” scowl for the next fucking four years? That might help a little, too.

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I have noticed she looks genuinely pleased in the victory pix and she isn't jerking her hand away from his. She must've gotten a big raise. Blech.

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I’m in a complete fog today as I’m in London and got virtually no sleep at all last night. Dragged myself out for a walk-the weather is as grey as my depression. But, the walk helped a bit -moving into the next phase of grief. There’s some solace in nature even in the city. We stand together in our shared loss and fears.

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Well said. You might wanna consider staying over there...It's tempting.

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6 months max. Daughter lives here now and working on getting her permanent work visa. May try for chain migration in the future! 😂

Portugal may be more realistic.

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I hear wonderful things...

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Came back from Japan where everyone I met asked about the election. Between jet lag and disappointment I may never get out of bed.

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Completely understand....

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I don’t want to poo-poo your idea, but Trump will have the power to revoke any and all EOs Biden has or will write. I will refuse to call him President and will refer to him as CFT - Chuckle Fuck Trump. I invite all to use it.

I just found out that myself & 3 others are the only ones that voted for Kamala. I work in a primary care practice. I am disturbed and disgusted. I was already planning on leaving for greener pastures, but I am accelerating that process.

If the country ends up needing a modern Underground Railroad, I will offer up my house as a safe place to stay in eastern Virginia. I am hopeful we will elect a Dem governor next year. The state went to Kamala and Senator Tim Kaine kept his seat.

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So proud of Virginia for going with Kamala and Kaine! Sorry about your workmates. I have a similar sitch with fam but I can't fire them. Well, maybe I could....

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22 tablespoons of butter! Now we're talking! Just kidding - I'm sure that is supposed to be 2 not 22.

And yes, there is still so much President Biden can do! I hope he's got the guts to do it. Thanks for your post. Made me feel a little bit better.

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Ha! I fixed that this morning. Or thought I did. 22 tablespoons should def be 2!

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I’m skeptical President Biden will do anything by EO. The Supreme Corrupts will somehow find a way to nullify the EO. IMO, when trump takes power he’s going to make Hitler and Stalin look good. I see no reason for sanguine attitudes.

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Like Jimmy Buffett said...If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane. Gotta remember that...

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I approve the Hunter Pardon and Virginia Underground Railroad

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